Acrylic Painting
36 x 48
A wise shaman once said “we must keep one foot in linear time and one foot in eternal time.” As spiritual beings living a human experience, we continually balance between the physical realm and the spiritual realm. We undertake needs of survival whether that is eating properly, exercising regularly, or working to have shelter and security. We realize our body is finite and will eventually cease to exist. However, the soul is an infinite source that will forever exist in eternity. When we realize this, we allow ourselves to live in eternal time. We are released from the fear of death and the uncertainty of life. Each seemingly mundane task becomes an extension of the whole of existence and we learn to use our finite body to connect to the infinite realm of spirit in every moment.
It is not always an easy task to dance between the two domains. But when we can find harmony, balance and oneness by seeing both as the same, we allow another way of being to emerge. For this reason shaman say we must keep one foot in linear time and one foot in eternal time. Living in eternity and impermanence simultaneously. To dance between being human and spirit.